An AntOS application project is recognized by AntOSDK via a special project file called project.json
stored on top of the project folder. Basically, this file is in the following format:
"name": "Project name",
"root": "home://project/path",
"css": ["css/main.css"],
"javascripts": ["js/lib.js"],
"coffees": ["coffees/"],
"copies": ["assets/scheme.html", "package.json", ""]
This meta-data allows the SDK to gain knowledge on the project structure and its different kinds of file. The following diagram sums up the building process of an AntOS application project using AntOSDK:
Project files are processed differently based on their kind. Basically, project files are classed into the following categories:
As shown in the diagram, AntOSDK is able to build and run AntOS application project directly from the browser. Integrating the SDK into the CodePad application offers a powerful in-browser development environment for AntOS applications. The SDK is also able to package the built application to a single ZIP archive for final distribution. The ZIP package can be installed locally or be published on a repository that can be accessed from the default system application MarketPlace.
Typical AntOS package (ZIP archive) contains the following files:
The following figure shows the content of the Booklet package as an example (the package is open using the Archive application, available on MarketPlace):
Package meta-data file contains all the information necessary by the AntOS API to manage (install, uninstall, update, etc.) and run an application. Its has the following format:
"services": ["Service1ClassName", "Service2ClassName"],
"pkgname": "PackageName"
"name":"Application name",
"description":"Application description",
"author": "Author fullname",
"email": "Author email"
"iconclass":"fa fa-adn",
The following meta-data properties are important:
branches are: a (alpha), b (beta), r (release)
), the system uses this version number to determine whether the application update is available on the MarketPlace
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